UPSE and Civil Service/IRAC/WCB Sign New Agreement

Posted April 28, 2023, 10:32am

UPSE and Civil Service/IRAC/WCB sign a new three-year collective agreement. Karen Jackson, UPSE President, thanks the bargaining team for their hard work in negotiating a fair wage and benefit package for the membership.

The employer has indicated to us that a target date for retro pay is early to mid June 2023. If you have any questions or concerns about the new collective agreement, please contact the UPSE office at 902-902-5335, 1-800-897-8773, or email for assistance.

Back L-R: Troy Warren (UPSE LRO, Lead Negotiator), Tanya Rowell (CEO, Public Service Commission), George Weatherby (UPSE Bargaining Team).

Front L-R: Kevin Gotell (UPSE Secretary Treasurer), Karen Jackson (UPSE President), Hon. Jill Burridge (Minister of Finance), Charlotte Murray (Director HR/LR Public Service Commission) and Karen Campbell (Employer Legal Counsel).

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