Union Donates $15,000 through the UPSE Has a Heart campaign

Posted March 13, 2024, 3:11pm

The PEI Union of Public Sector Employees, on behalf of the membership, has recently donated $15,000 to non-profit community organizations across Prince Edward Island through the UPSE Has a Heart campaign. Karen Jackson, President of UPSE, said, “the UPSE Has a Heart campaign is about supporting community organizations that make a real difference for Islanders across the province; organizations like Santa’s Angels, Joy Riders Therapeutic Riding Association, and the PEI Special Olympics, just to name a few.”

Jackson thanked UPSE members for making this possible, where a small portion of their union dues goes towards the campaign so the Union can give back to communities across the province. She believes that “Unions have a strong role to play in helping others and strengthening our communities.”

Through UPSE Has a Heart 2024 campaign the Union was able to assist twenty-four organizations with donations ranging from $250 to $2,000. “These organizations do amazing work, often volunteer work that includes many of our members. UPSE is proud to help these wonderful organizations that provide supports for Islanders,” said Jackson.

Please see the complete list of this year’s recipients (not all pictured):

Faithworks Centre

Fork in the Road

Air Cadets 60 Squad

PEI Air Cadet League of Canada – PEI Provincial Committee

Special Olympics

St. Peter’s Circle Club

Three Rivers seniors Group

Voluntary Resource Council

Westisle Power Lifting Team

PEI Citizens Advocacy

Hernewood Intermediate – Community Service-Learning Program

St. Vincent da Paul Food Bank

St. Peters & Area Community Cupboard

First Baptist ( Food Pantry )

The Village Summerside

CAT Action Team of Prince Edward Island

Joy Riders Therapeutic Riding Association

Santa’s Angels

Cornwall Knights of Columbus

Children’s Wish Foundation

Silver Threads Seniors Club

Friends of the Charlottetown Library

Victoria Quilts Prince County

Montague Christian Church

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